OSU Extension Hazelnut IPM Workshop

Event Date

Tuesday, August 14th 2:30pm


Dorris Ranch in Springfield

Reservation Required


  • 205 Dorris Street
    Springfield, Oregon 97477


4 Oregon pesticide applicator recertification credits anticipated

Event is free, but please RSVP to Jeff Choate at Jeff.Choate@oregonstate.edu or call 541-344-1709

7:30-7:40am – Introduction – Jeff Choate, Extension agent – Lane/Linn/Benton Counties

7:40-8:35am – Mating Disruption of Filbertworm – Dr. Vaughn Walton, Entomologist
We will talk about the use of mating disruption as a broader IPM strategy within the hazelnut production system. The benefits regarding biological control and multiple-season effects will be discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of this strategy will be highlighted to also include costs compared to conventional production input costs. Finally, we will share results from filbertworm biology and cultural management trials currently ongoing at OSU.

8:35-9:30am – Pacific Flatheaded Borer – Dr. Nik Wiman, Orchard Specialist
This talk will cover the basics of Pacific Flatheaded Borer biology and management in hazelnuts. We will discuss cultural management practices, chemical management, and strategies for orchard recovery following infestation. Ongoing trial work at OSU will be discussed. Principals of management of pests with systemic insecticides will be discussed as relevant to borer management and other pests. We will also talk about hazelnut pests that may have particular relevance to southern Willamette Valley hazelnut growers, including garden symphylans and omnivorous leaftier.

9:30-9:40am – Break

9:40-10:35am – Weed & Sucker Management – Dr. Marcelo Moretti, Weed Science
This talk will cover principles and best practices of weed management in hazelnut orchards. Following the introduction, the talk will be focused on chemical weed control using registered herbicides, as this compromises the majority of weed management practices. We will discuss herbicide resistance management and the main practices to reduce resistance selection. Finally, sucker management will be revisited highlighting current research and
specific examples in commercial agriculture.

10:35-11:30am – Smart Sprayer Demonstration – Dr. Jay Pscheidt, Plant Pathologist
This session will demonstrate a new Smart Sprayer system that uses lasers to detect tree canopy and radar to measure ground speed all of which controls solenoid valves to turn off and on certain nozzles on a retrofitted Rears sprayer. Other topics covered may include information on eastern filbert blight, kernel molds and bacterial blight. The important epidemiology as well as management recommendations will be discussed.